Thursday, 1 October 2015

Google mock up ideas

Contents page house styles

After looking at the 3 contents pages, I can see that they are all have very similar layouts.

Colour scheme ideas, Name ideas and feature story ideas

Here are some name ideas I came up with for the name of my magazine. I can up with these names as I feel the words are relevant towards the Rap genre of music.

Name ideas:

Here are a few logo and font ideas for the magazine. I need my magazine logo to look iconic and easily recognizable if it was to be seen on the shelves in a supermarket. I also need a logo that would stand out against other magazines.

(Philly Sans)

(Philly Sans)

(Philly Sans)


The name and logo I have chosen for my magazine is FREESTYLE in the Philly Sans graffiti font. I have chosen this because the word freestyle has a lot to do with rap music and is currently not being used as a magazine name. I chose the font Philly Sans because I thought the graffiti like font suits rap music as graffiti and "the streets" are usually associated with rap music.

Colour Scheme:

Style Iconography

My reader profile

From my questionnaire I can see that the majority of my audience are teenagers (77%) and 2/3 of my audience are males. Due to the young audience, the average weekly income of my readers is between £0 and £15 (50%).
From my questionnaire I can see that the most popular rap artist of my audience is Eminem which is shown by 77%  of my readers saying that Eminem is their favourite rap artist. My readers don't really attend music events much as shown by 70% of my readers attend 0-2 music events each year. The most common way of my readers listening to music is by downloading music from places such as iTunes and Google Play Store with 55% of my readers saying that. The majority of my readers listen to over 5 hours of music a day (35%) and the most common device used to listen to music is their phones (66%). Gifts wise, the most wanted one would be vouchers such as iTunes vouchers and they would be willing to play in between £2 and £2.99.

After doing my questionnaire and researching my reader profile I know what I can add to my music magazine. For example, the most wanted gift that people wanted was vouchers so I will make that a competition that potential readers could win inside my magazine. Furthermore, this may attract people that aren't so interested in the magazine but will buy it because they have a chance of winning something. Another example would be that most common voted price that people would be willing to pay was between £2 and £2.99. Because of this, I'll make the price of my magazine £2.99 as people have said they will be willing to pay this much for the magazine.

Reader profile research

Demographic table

Demographic information - Hard data - age, gender, income, location - unquestionable information
Psychographic information - Opinion based information - What music genre do you like? What bands or artists do you like? How much do you spend on music concerts per year? What's your favourite brand? How do you consume music? How many hours per week do you listen to music? What devices do you use?

A reader profile is what companies use to identify their general audience and readers. This is done by finding out a readers average age, gender, race, social class, weekly income and other specific information about their readers.

I will use a reader profile to find out who my audience are and what they want from my magazine. It will show me what my audiences age range is, what their interests are and what makes them want to buy my magazine. Furthermore, my reader profile will help me connect with my audience as I will be able to include in my magazine what they want.

Genre research

Summary of conventions

Front Cover


The masthead is large and takes up around 1/5th of the page, it is iconic and recognizable, everyone associates the white Q with a red background with the music magazine

Cover Lines

A sneak peak of what is inside the magazine, used to help sell the magazine

Main Image

The image in the background of the front cover, takes up the entire page, taken in a certain position so that there is space for the cover lines and masthead


Usually a different colour to the rest of the cover so that it can stand out, usually advertises a competition or something special inside the magazine

Bar code/Issue number

Always seen near each other, required on every magazine so that it is possible for the customer to purchase the magazine as well as know what issue it is

Contents Page


The masthead is at the top of the magazine and takes up quite a bit of the top of the page with its length and thickness, it contains the Q logo which is iconic, and the issue number

Other Articles

More details of what is going to be in the magazine

Front Cover

The front cover is used in the top right of the page so that if required, you don't beed to keep checking back to the front cover

Main Image

The main image is the largest image of the contents page

Double Page Spread

Main Image

The main image takes up have of the double page spread


Takes up the majority of the other half of the double page spread, links with the main image

Conventions analysis double page spread

The double page spread is from Q magazine once again so the conventions will be very similar.

Conventions analysis contents page

Conventions analysis of a contents page of a music magazine. LIIAR to be applied and each area to be explained in detail.
Language - The masthead is at the top of the page so it will be the first part of the magazine that most people will see, bold, red, iconic. The issue number is also in the masthead which tells the reader what issue it is in case they missed it on the front cover. The articles that will be featured in this magazine are placed on the outside of the magazine pages which leaves space in the middle of the pages for images of the artists that will also be featured in this magazine.

Institution - The contents page of the magazine was created by Bauer Music Group. Q's first issue was published in October 1986 and featured Paul McCartney as the main story. In December 2013, there was 52,781 readers in circulation (includes print and digital editions)

Ideology - Q magazine doesn't really have a genre of music that they focus on but their target audience is based at people in their 30's and 40's. They mainly feature established artists on the front cover or artists from the past, this is why I feel that this magazine isn't aimed at teens or young adults.

Audience - The target audience of Q magazine is people around their 30's and 40's. The magazine is also non gender specific as they use the colour scheme red, black and white; none of these colours are gender specific.

Representation - The main image of the contents page is a high angle close up of Liam Gallagher who is looking away from the camera which shows a rebellious attitude.

Conventions analysis front cover and brief

To design a front cover, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, a minimum of four images must be used.

Conventions Analysis of Front Cover:
Language - The use of the mast head being in the top left is iconic as this is what Q magazine do with all their magazines and people will always recognize and associate the Q in the top left corner with Q magazine. They also use cover lines that they know will attract readers of old and may attract new ones too.

Institution - Q magazine is a monthly music magazine published by Bauer Music Group. It's first issue was published in October 1986 and featured Paul McCartney as the main story. In December 2013, there was 52,781 readers in circulation (includes print and digital editions)

Ideology - Q magazine doesn't really have a genre of music that they focus on but their target audience is based at people in their 30's and 40's. They mainly feature established artists on the front cover or artists from the past, this is why I feel that this magazine isn't aimed at teens or young adults.

Audience - The target audience of Q magazine is people around their 30's and 40's. The magazine is also non gender specific as they use the colour scheme red, black and white with gold for the plug ; one of these colours are gender specific.

Representation - The front cover consists of Noel Gallagher took with his arms folded leaning on an amplifier. This demonstrates how the magazine is aimed at adults as he is mainly known for being in the band Oasis which disbanded in 2009.

Friday, 25 September 2015


2nd Version

What have you learnt from completing this task?

How have you used technology?

What have you used and why?

What would you change id you were to do this task again?

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Feature Story Ideas

  • How to manage Sport and College Work EASILY
  • What trips are happening
  • Sportswear - Where to get them
  • Derby Match Tickets - 10% off
  • Football Coach interview
  • New Facilities
  • Lunch Vouchers Inside
  • COMPETITION - Signed Rugby Shirt

Colour Scheme

These are some colour scheme ideas I have come up with. I chose 3 primary colours to start with and then did black and white. I chose these colours because these are commonly used colours in magazines and they will stand out.

The first colour I picked was red. I picked red because it is a bold colour and will easily stand out against other magazines on a shelf. To go with this red, I may go with a white background. I may do this because white is a bright colour whereas red is a much darker colour so these colours will contrast well together. To go with this red and white colour scheme I could go with a blue. I would pick blue because the red, white and blue colour is regularly used together as it is the colours of the Union Jack and the colour of the American flag. This shows that this colour scheme is recognized by a lot of people.

Magazine Name

Magazine Name Ideas

S@C (Sport at College)
College Magazine

Mood Board

Analysis of College Magazine Front Cover

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Image Analysis

Image Analysis

Where is the camera

The camera has taken the picture from the side of the scene. The photographer will have used this position so that the reader will feel as if they are stood next to the unicorn. Due to the point of view not being level with the unicorns gaze, this makes the unicorn seem large in size compared to where the reader would be stood if they where in this scene. The focal point of the camera is the unicorns muzzle which instantly draws attention to the mint that is being fed to it. This will make the reader feel obliged to buy Trebor mints as unicorns are seen as the most elite of horses so they are trying to make the reader think that they are buying an elite mint. Furthermore, this effect relates to the word "discerning" from the slogan which means the reading has made a good choice in buying the mints.

What choices has the photographer made

The photographer has chosen to use a white background. The photographer will have chosen to use this because white emphasizes the theme of purity and adds an element of fantasy to the advertisement. Additionally, the colour white is also associated with items. This links with the woman's arm that has a black velvet glove on and has a white bracelet and a white ring as these items of clothing and accessories are associated with wealth and elegance which can make the reader think that they are buying an elegant and rich packet of mints, even though they retail for around 60p. Furthermore, the framing of the image means that you are unable to see who the arm belongs to and where the horse is coming from. This is so that the attention is not taken away from the mint by a women and a unicorn.

What objects have been captured in the image

The use of black velvet gloves and jewelry are used to emphasize the quality of the mint. The scene is the complete opposite of what you would expect in real life as the woman feeding the horse would be surrounded by things such as fields, hay and manure and would be wearing practical clothing, not expensive accessories.The advertisers want the reader to think these mints are high quality. The jewelry can be considered to represent wealth and success which links with the slogan "SWEET SUCCESS" which shows the quality of the mint. An image of what the packet of mints actually look like is placed at the bottom centre of the advert and attracts the reader as it has a different colour scheme to the rest of the advert.

LIIAR Analysis

LIIAR Analysis

Language - The language is what sort of language is used in media and what terminology is used.

Institution - The institution is what company controls the production process and how this affects the final product.

Ideology - The ideology is what values are explicit and what values are implicit.

Audience - The audience is who the media is being targeted towards, what people do with it and whose needs it fulfills.

Representation - The representation is what individuals, groups or issues appear in the media and how they are portrayed.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015



I will be designing a front cover and mock up contents page for a College magazine. All pictures I use must be original and taken by me.