Front Cover
The masthead is large and takes up around 1/5th of the page, it is iconic and recognizable, everyone associates the white Q with a red background with the music magazine
Cover Lines
A sneak peak of what is inside the magazine, used to help sell the magazine
Main Image
The image in the background of the front cover, takes up the entire page, taken in a certain position so that there is space for the cover lines and masthead
Usually a different colour to the rest of the cover so that it can stand out, usually advertises a competition or something special inside the magazine
Bar code/Issue number
Always seen near each other, required on every magazine so that it is possible for the customer to purchase the magazine as well as know what issue it is
Contents Page
The masthead is at the top of the magazine and takes up quite a bit of the top of the page with its length and thickness, it contains the Q logo which is iconic, and the issue number
Other Articles
More details of what is going to be in the magazine
Front Cover
The front cover is used in the top right of the page so that if required, you don't beed to keep checking back to the front cover
Main Image
The main image is the largest image of the contents page
Double Page Spread
Main Image
The main image takes up have of the double page spread
Takes up the majority of the other half of the double page spread, links with the main image
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